Welcome to California Coastal Cleanup Day! Saturday, September 21st is the 40th anniversary of this amazing event. To participate, check the map for the cleanup site you want to join. All the information you need is located within each pin on the map. More cleanup sites will be posted to the map during August and September.
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This map will be updated throughout August and September with additional cleanup sites. Click here to open the map in its own window. If you have corrections to the map, please email coast4u@coastal.ca.gov.
Participating in California Coastal Cleanup Day is easy! Follow these steps:
Additional Links:
Coastal Cleanup Day is California's largest annual volunteer event. It is an opportunity for people across the state to clean our creeks, rivers, lakes, coast, and shorelines of all kinds, to help restore our environment. Virtually every body of water in California ultimately flows to the ocean, and that water can carry a lot of trash. That's why Coastal Cleanup Day takes place throughout the state – no matter where you're cleaning, you are helping to protect our coast and ocean.
California Coastal Cleanup Day is organized by the California Coastal Commission
in partnership with many NGOs and local government partners around
the state. It is part of the International Coastal Cleanup, organized by the
Ocean Conservancy, which is the largest volunteer event on the planet!