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Links to Information about the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response in the Gulf of Mexico

Listed below are links to several government and non-government websites with regularly-updated information about the cleanup and response efforts for the catastrophic BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which resulted from the tragic April 20th, 2010 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig.

Phone Numbers for
Deepwater Horizon Spill Response
(for Gulf region residents who are viewing this)

Additional information can also be found online at
the official response and recovery web site.

  • To Volunteer: 1-866-448-5816.  Deepwater Horizon Response Volunteer Request Line.  State-specific volunteer opportunities can also be found online.
  • To File a BP Damage Claim: 1-800-440-0858.  BP’s Claims Line. This toll-free number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Or file a claim online and get more information.
  • To Report Oiled or Injured Wildlife in the Impact Area: 1-866-557-1401.
  • To Report Oiled Shoreline / Boom Issues: 1-866-448-5816.
  • Health Concerns: 1-800-222-1222.
  • Vessels of Opportunity Program: 1-866-279-7983 or 1-877-847-7470.  This program provides local boat operators an opportunity to assist with response activities.  
  • Alternative Response Technology Hotline: 281-366-5511.  Submit your Alternative Response Technology or idea at this number, or online.
  • To Offer Products or Services:  Submit your offer online.
  • To Submit a Comment or Question:  Submit your comment or question online.

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response Websites

  • Joint Information Center for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response is the official federal portal for the Deepwater BP oil spill response and recovery. It provides inforamtion on the response, current operations, news and updates, how to file a claim and obtain other assistance, and links to federal, state and local partners. .
  • Consolidated Fish and Wildlife Collection Report - Deepwater Horizon Unified Command Web Site
    This daily report lists the cumulative number of dead or injured birds, sea turtles, and marine mammals collected, as reported to the Unified Area Command from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, incident area commands, rehabilitation centers and other authorized sources operating within the Deepwater Horizon/BP incident impact area.
  • NASA Imagery
    NASA’s satellite photos of the BP oil slick from space
  • NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration: Deepwater Horizon Incident, Gulf of Mexico
    The National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration’s website includes daily situation updates; counts of oiled/dead marine mammals and turtles; fisheries closure updates; number of vessels and aircraft deployed; and current trajectory maps
  • EPA: Response to the BP Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
    The Environmental Protection Agency’s website includes information on dispersant use, and on air, water, and sediment monitoring along the Gulf coast
  • President Obama’s Whitehouse: Deepwater BP Oil Spill
    Daily updates on the ongoing administration-wide response to the spill; links to federal departments and agencies responding to the spill; and information on air, food, and water safety
  • The U.S. Congress Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming
    Live video feed of the BP Oil Spill from the ocean floor
  • Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant Programs
    provides visitors with access to a wealth of data concerning the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Website content will be continually updated, and visitors should check back often for new and revised information.
  • Geoplatform.gov/gulfresponse/
    is an interactive site that provides near real-time information and details on the spill's trajectory, fisheries closures, the location of response command posts and community outreach centers, and the movement of research ships. This website was developed by NOAA ERMA in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Coast Guard and the Department of the Interior.
  • BP: Gulf of Mexico Response
    BP’s own website about the spill response

Gulf of Mexico States

Assistance from Other States

Washington and Alaska have posted their own webpages, with frequently updated summaries of the BP Gulf oil spill and response efforts, and pictures


    Has annotated satellite images and blog commentary
  • Wikipedia: Deepwater Horizon oil spill
    Detailed background information on the spill, description of response efforts, and overview of the spill’s consequences, with numerous references for more information