Los Angeles Basin Contaminated Sediments Task Force

Summary of the Implementation Committee Meeting
February 7, 2001

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Jack Gregg (CCC), Ralph Appy (POLA), Maile Gee (CCC), Steven John (USEPA), Michael Lyons (LARWQCB), Tom Johnson (POLB), Kathy Anderson (Corps), Aaron Allen (Corps).

Combined Discussion of Draft CSTF Permit Application and Interim Advisory Committee Guidelines.

Tom Johnson and his staff incorporated the changes to the CSTF permit application, and Ralph Appy made changes to the Advisory Committee Guidelines. Both revised documents were distributed to the Implementation Committee for review and comment by March 6, 2001. Send comments on the Advisory Committee guidelines to Ralph and on the CSTF Permit application to Tom Johnson. Ralph would prefer changes in a faxed format rather than by e-mail.

Advisory Committee Guidelines

Purposes were brought forward as requested by Heal the Bay. We still need to get a complete list of primary and secondary contacts for the DMMAC members. The guidelines are very similar to those of the IAC, except that a draft CSTF permit application will now be submitted to the DMMAC with the results of the sampling and disposal plan.

CSTF Consolidated Permit Application

Initially it was thought that the Corps would need to have an official Corps permit filled out and submitted in addition to the CSTF permit application. Aaron Allen later checked with the Corps legal department and they determined that they could accept the local CSTF permit application without need for a duplicate Corps permit application. Aaron Allen also suggested that we add a 404 B1 analysis checklist to the permit. There was some discussion by the Ports about private landowners possibly filling out the CSTF application in addition to getting a harbor development permit from the Ports.

Regarding other Corps Regulatory matters, Steven John asked Aaron if we should include Mark Sudal, Corps Regulatory Branch Chief, in our CSTF meetings. Aaron thought it was a good idea and will get us Mr. Sudal’s information. Steven will brief Mr. Sudal on our work.

Discussion of DMMP FS Scope and Schedule

Kathy Anderson spoke briefly about the DMMP FS background and how it is integrated with the work being done on the Corps pilot projects and the CSTF Strategy. The Ports discussed their concern that they will not use the CAD site if a regional disposal site develops out of the pilot projects. They feel that Marina del Rey and the Corps will be the primary users of a regional CAD site. Kathy confirmed that the pilot studies were originally defined in the Marina del Rey DMMP that has evolved into the LA Region DMMP. Ralph Appy added that the CSTF was created in part due to the Marina del Rey project DMMP. Tom Johnson indicated that the Ports are interested in the BMPs that will be developed that may have impacts on Port operations, so they do want to be involved with developing those BMPs.

There was some discussion of the funding for the DMMP. The Port of Long Beach is still not going to become a local sponsor. The City of Long Beach has committed verbally to become a local sponsor. The County of LA has submitted a letter of intent, and Kathy is still waiting for a response from the Port of LA. Michael Lyons and Kathy discussed the possibility of having the CSTF contribute in-kind services.

Next Meeting - None scheduled at this time. Will get changes made to permit application and guidelines and have the agencies’ legal departments review application to determine if it can replace existing agency applications. Will update the CSTF on progress at the next Management meeting.

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