Los Angeles Basin Contaminated Sediments Task Force

Summary of the Implementation Committee Meeting
November 1, 2000

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Ralph Appy (POLA), Maile Gee (CCC), Jack Gregg (CCC), Steven John (USEPA), Michael Lyons (LARWQCB), Mitzy Taggart (HTB), Tony Risko (ACOE), Omer Kadaster (Kleinfelder).

1. Draft Consolidated Dredge Permit Application

Tom Johnson is still working on changes to the CSTF permit application. Send any other comments to Stacey Crouch. Ralph Appy raised question of whether we would be creating more work with the CSTF permit than permittees currently deal with in the regular process. Maile Gee suggested that we need to test out the permit if possible to determine its effectiveness at improving the process for all parties. Tony Risko of the Corps indicated that the Corps would consider using the permit for their dredging process and take it to the Interim Advisory Committee for review. Corps could fill it out for maintenance dredging project (DMMP CAD site) during the Environmental Design phase (second quarter FY – March to June).

The group discussed possibly having a two step process. First, the permit would be filled out and submitted with a SAP to the IAC for review. If there were contaminated sediments found during sampling then there would be a second meeting of the IAC to review the finalized permit.

2. Interim Advisory Committee Guidelines

Ralph Appy is working on proposed changes to the IAC guidelines. The group discussed the need to determine a timeline for review of a consolidated dredging permit. The group also discussed clarification of the role of the IAC. Heal the Bay would like to be able to request an IAC meeting to discuss concerns on minor or maintenance dredging projects and to be able to discuss all other concerns with the group. Ports had a concern that decisions made on one project might affect other proponent’s projects in the future. Also discussed the need to get USFWS, the Corps Regulatory and possibly NMFS involved in the IAC. Members also need to designate alternates.

3. USACE Dredged Material Management Plan Project Schedule

Tony Risko gave an update on the status of the 905 (b) analysis which was recently completed and the cost sharing agreement for the DMMP feasibility study which is yet to be finalized. Tony Risko also briefly discussed the proposed pilot projects. The DMMP FS and the pilot projects are separate projects that will be implemented concurrently. The pilot projects must be designed and completed by Sept. 30, 2001. The DMMP is on a 3 year schedule for completion and will incorporate the results of the pilot projects. The DMMP FS will consist of BMP’s, multi-user projects, sediment quality thresholds (focus on contaminated material not suitable for ocean disposal), an EIS and a cost estimate and recommended project. Tony stated that this is a valuable opportunity for the CSTF to participate in the DMMP FS and pilot projects and to utilize the information gained from these projects for the Strategy.

To address questions of difficulties coordinating with the Corps, Tony clarified the roles of the Corps CSTF members. Kathy Anderson is working on the DMMP FS and will be attending as many CSTF meetings as possible. There is no funding for the ACOE environmental/regulatory branch to attend the meetings. Doland is the active liaison person for communication with the regulatory, environmental, construction branches of the Corps. The DMMP will be conducted and managed with the CSTF at the subcommittee level (e.g. Aquatic Subcomm. – CAD, BMPs). The Corps will report on the progress of the projects at each CSTF meeting.

Tony Risko ran through the process for the DMMP FS completion. There was a brief discussion of concerns about lack of monitoring funds for the proposed CAD pilot project. Michael Lyons indicated that the CSTF may have1-2 years of funds available to use for monitoring. Discussed the need to determine appropriate monitoring for CAD in the Aquatics Subcommittee. Discussed concern about sample gathering for the bench scale concrete stabilization test. Would like to see representative samples from Port areas as well as MDR and LA River. Need to coordinate in the Aquatics Subcommittee. A question was raised as to whether the Corps would ultimately recommend a multi-user site following the DMMP FS completion.

Maile Gee ran through the Corps timeline distributed in the earlier draft 905 (b) analysis. According to that schedule, the entire DMMP FS project would not be finalized until 36 months after start (approximately Dec. 03). The final DMMP report would arrive for review in approximately May 2003 (this may require at least a 1 year extension and up to a 2 year extension). Given the valuable opportunity that participation in the DMMP and pilot projects presents to the CSTF and the Strategy, it may be necessary to request an extension of the Strategy deadline from the Executives and possibly the legislature. Maile Gee asked for a decision from the group on whether we would be recommending a deadline extension at the upcoming Executive meeting. A consensus was reached that we would have to request an extension in order to dovetail with the Corps project. Concerns were raised by Heal the Bay that we should be pushing the Corps to expedite their projects rather than ask for an extension. These issues should be addressed at the Executive meeting.

Next Meeting – December 13, 2000 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at POLA

Discussion of Consolidated Dredging Permit comments and IAC comments/revisions. Discussion of Pros and Cons of establishing a DMMO following completion of the Strategy. Review Timeline and proposal to the Executive Committee. Discuss opposition to timeline extension request.

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